Our presenters have more than 100 years' combined business and legal experience which we can bring to bear to help you achieve your business goals. Whether it be helping design a career competency framework, introduce new training or coaching/mentoring initiatives, designing a graduate recruitment strategy or putting in place Legal Project Management documentation and procedures, we can work with you to develop innovative tailored solutions to suit your firm's needs.
Legal Project Management and LPM Documentation
Effective processes lie at the heart of Legal Project Management (LPM). LPM is not a new concept - running any matter for a law firm is project management - but focusing on management has rarely been at the heart of legal practice. A number of excellent IT products have been developed that support project planning, budgeting, management, monitoring and reporting. However not all firms feel the need to invest heavily in new and expensive software, which may never be used to its full potential.
Neverthelss, streamlining processes through detailed process maps, checklists and standard documents offers clear benefits. Drawing on the enormous technical experience of our team we can help clients develop template documents that can be tailored for specific jurisdictions, clients and matters. We can also provide training workshops and coaching around them.
L&D consultancy
According to the Accenture Strategy 2016 UK University Graduate Employment Study, 89% of graduates expect to receive formal training from their first employer. A recent study by the University of Hong Kong revealed that (compared with Baby Boomers and Generation X) millenials had the highest expectations for professional development but were the most disappointed with its reality in the workplace. Since millenials will form more than 75% of the workforce by 2025, having a structured learning and development programme in place can be a vital element in your recruitment and retention strategy. However, in an increasingly competitive market, budgets may not allow for a specialist learning and development resource to handle its design and implementation.
We can work with you to structure and introduce a systematic, incremental development programme which can support your people from intern to executive and beyond, including:
Graduate recruitment consultancy
The challenges facing graduate recruiters have changed significantly over the past ten years. The expectations of millenials, the impact of social media and the wealth of digital information available about potential employers means that firms are having to work harder to understand and attract the best candidates.
We can work with you to review and develop your graduate recruitment strategy including: